
TC Builders Group, Item for Sale, and Item Wanted

	Hey again... I have officially begun my journey to upgrade my coil to a
power level >=  5 KVA.  (I just don't know how I'm going to get a
transformer. )  I went rumaging through a relative's junk yard and found a
great electrical control box complete with a three-phase fusebox to hold
some huge fuses.  (Only two fuses were hooked up because they were using it
for single-phase stuff.  I also found a brand new shiny variac!  I took it
home, and it works perfectly.  It is missing an outside cover, though.  You
can hook it up for 0 - 120VAC or 0 - 140VAC.  The plate says it is rated
for 10A.  Now obviously I can't make much use out of this with my new
dreams of a high powered coil, but it's still a great variac, so someone
please buy it from me. :)  Speaking of which, I just finished getting a
great deal on an 85-amp RFI filter, and now I need a new high-current
variac.  This is going to be a great challenge for me, because high-power
electronics are very expensive, and I  have very little money to work with.
	And, oh yes - you will see on my site http://spud.pureinsanity.net that I
am interested in finding other coilers in the North Texas region so that we
might start up a Tesla Coil Builders Group.

		    Ryan Ries