
Re: GM coil record

> Hi Ed,
> Where have you been!?! ;-))
> Most of the details are in my old post at:
> http://www.pupman.com/listarchives/2000/January/msg00257.html
> Also
> http://users.better.org/tfritz/site/misc/GMHEI.ZIP
> Your four inch arcs are typical for a "novice" attempt at the GMHEICSLR
> ;-))  Basically your are running it as a transformer or induction coil.  I
> remove the steel core (which just saturates and eats all the energy) and
> run the primary and secondary winding's in a true Tesla coil configuration
> with a primary capacitor, spark gap, etc.  It makes a BIG difference!!
> Probably the heat and wasted energy is killing your standard configuration.
>  You are putting a few joules into the thing like I do but it is never
> making it the them big output arcs.  Think of making a Tesla coil out of it
> and maybe you will get sparks up to 13.249 inches ;-)))
> Cheers,
>         Terry


	My question referred to internal breakdown voltage, as indicated by
maximum spark length.  I looked at your site and understand what you're
doing, but don't understand why your coil doesn't break down at a
voltage corresponding to a much shorter spark. Seems to me that you
should have at least as much of a breakdown problem (insulation stress)
as what I've done.  Were you just lucky in your choice of coils (got
exceptional ones, that is)? 
