
A peculiarity with laminated plastics type codes

I just noticed a strange thing that isn't entirely tesla related but might
be of some interest. I was compiling some information that Robert Cressler
sent me into a web page on laminate characteristics (like what the
difference between G10 and FR4 is).  Among the types of laminates is that
standard brown stuff made from paper and phenolic.  It is identified by a
series of X's, the number of which indicates the relative amount of plastic
and paper.

The odd thing was that when I sent the rough draft page to someone else,
their mail program (AOL) bounced it because it violated the "family filter"

Has anyone else encountered this?  Is there a way to put the "evil three
letters" in a document or web page so that it will get through? Should I
break the web page up into separate sections, so that at least you could
read the G10 info, if not the phenolic/paper info?