Here's a way to get more out of less with a solidstate coil.
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Here's a way to get more out of less with a solidstate coil.
From: "The Flavored Coffee Guy" <elgersmad@msn.com> (by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>)
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 06:42:04 -0600
Approved: twftesla@uswest.net
Delivered-To: fixup-tesla@pupman.com@fixme
I've done all of these experiments in a college level course at a
vocational school, and my teachers let me spend almost 6 months working on
nothing but, resonance because, I kept getting results like the results
shown at this link.
Some of the computer models used audio transformers, and wide range of
capacitor values where resonance was sought out. I used the primary as the
only current limiter of the curcuit. I did this by taking advantage of the
inductive reactance of the primarys in parallel as an input, and a single
group of equations that are both typical and standard for finding resonance,
inductive reactance, and capacitve reactance at any choosen frequency, or a
chosen value of inductance at any resulting frequency.
The toriod transformer designs are my own, they have been tested, and
they do work. If you know how to check a tranformer for it most effecient
operating frequency, and how to relate that to a selected core material then
the rest will be easy. With the way these are wound, you can use this
formula with rated cores operating frequencies 1/CFt = 1/CFp1 + 1/CFp2 + for
how ever many primaries you choose to wind CF= Core Frequency, and p1, p2
etc equals the number of primarys with the same number of windings. You can
go to several sights to pick up rated cores. I used a current transformer,
which is really just a high current choke. Stripped off the original wire,
and wound up one with 6 primarys, over a secondary, and tested it. The rule
for parallel inductances remains true even for windings in parallel on the
same core, and this does not effect the output of the secondary based upon
the core material itself and it's optimum operating frequencies. The reason
why I designed this coil was because, it could follow the model transformer
in the simulations where others couldn't. It had the same primary values as
in some of my computer models of the circuit designs, and could be designed
for any given primary value with real good coupling of the primarys to the
secondary. The power in power out ratio shows no visible loss. So, it
would have to be nearly 98 to 99% efficient coupling the primary to the
secondary but, only if it's wound just that way. The cores winding diameter
wouldn't change for a higher frequencies but, the toriod diameter would. In
other words the coupling so critical to it's conversion effeciency that it
has to be wound that way. It functions equally as well as those used in the
simulator models because of it's geometery. So, if it looked like a bicycle
rim because, you were keeping all of the primarys in phase at higher
frequency inputs, then you wound it right. The problem solved by that
configuration is a wavelength issue where, wire length can interfere with
the phase of one primary to the next. I solved the wavelength problem by
running the input connections to the center of the toriod like spokes in a
wheel, and placing both inputs right next to the other in the center. So,
it really winds up looking like a spoked bicycle rim.