STA7018 & Auction & Detector
Today at the scrap yard I found several heat sinks with 4 power
transistors on each one. The number is STA7018. I looked in
all my books but can not find any information on it. Does anyone
have any information on this transistor?
A local factory is having an auction next week.. A lot of the stuff
is electronic stuff. They have several boxes 44"x44" 36" deep
on wooden pallets filled with capacitors. The values in each box
will all be the same. There is probably 10,000. caps to a box
maybe more. I have been to auctions like this before and might
be able to get a good deal on some stuff. Might be some good
caps for MMC's. Would anyone on the list be interested in an
entire box of caps? These will all be NEW. They are probably
left over from a cancelled or discontinued orders.
I once bought 800 lbs. of #24 enamel coated copper wire on
100 lb. rolls for $50.00 at an auction. Before that I bought 400
new transmitter tubes for $200.00 all still in the original boxes.
Last summer I got 8 copper spheres all 8" diameter. I am
guessing but I might be able to get a box of caps for $100. or
so. Is anyone interested in a good deal?
Is anyone intersted in a nice vacuum pump. I bought this last
summer for $50.00. I did not intend to sell this but it is taking up
valuable space in my work shop. I have used it several times to
make caps and it works great. Its about 8" diameter and about
15" long and it weights about 35 lbs. I will have to check the
motor HP tag but its probably 1/2 to 3/4 HP 120 VAC.
Price is $50.00 plus shipping.
I saw a TV show called NOVA where they were shooting up
rockets into a thunder storm to attract lighting to a target. Early
tests used the carbon in the burnt rocket fuel to provide a
conductive path but its was not very reliable. Later they shot
up a tiny wire and it worked much better. I tried it and after
many rockets and 3 thunder storms later I got only one lighting
strike to the back yard. How can I build a cloud charge detector
so I will know when and where to fire a rocket?
Gary Weaver