
Re: Research directions

Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> on 14.04.2000 19:49:11

To:   tesla@pupman.com
cc:    (bcc: Marco Denicolai/MARTIS)
Subject:  Research directions

>It is easiest for these kinds of comparisons, if the coils being tested can
>provide a variable break rate along with a constant bang-size (as Greg's
>TC's did).  DC coils of various types tend to fit the bill nicely here;
>systems such as Greg's rectified 3 phase system, Larry Robertson's
>H-drive, or Marco's solid state TC driver.
>John Freau


Yes, constant bang size is the desired feature I built my SMPS for. And bang
rate vs. spark length is definitely one of the things I plan to measure.

It remains still open how to ensure constant quench time. Currently the SMPS
charges the primary capacitor as fast as it can: that means, within 1 ms. To
change bang rate keeping constant the quench time one solution could be to keep
constant the RSG rotating speed and operate on the SMPS drive signal.

Driving the bang rate from the SMPS control input would still require a
synchronization signal from the RSG electrode position, and would imply
possibility to achieve uniform bang rates only equal to submultiples of the RSG
rotating rate.

A triggered SG would be another solution, with all implied problems and

We'll see were we get to...
