
Re: 7200 V too low?


I use 4000V at 1A, and it works just fine.  I do have rather tight tolerances 
on my RSG gaps however. If I run my RSG at 15kv at 60mA, I get a solid 
rotating flame (kind of cool to watch, but not good for coiling).

The problem you face is the 7200V transformer will want to pull several 
hundred amps from your wall plug just from the DC resistance of the coil, so 
you will have to current limit it, and that will lower your final output 
voltage anyway.

R. Scott Coppersmith

<< Original Poster: "Nathan Ball" <nateburg@hotmail.com> 
 Hi everyone
 Checking with my dad's power company, all of the distribution transformers 
 in my town are at 7200 V.  I may still be able to get one if i'm persistant, 
 but is 7200 going to run an appx. 3 kVA coil OK, or should I look for a 
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