Re: List.
I also have to say I like it the way it is now. I just use Inbox
Rules to send everything from tesla@pupman.com to a separate folder
called tesla. Works beautifully for keeping it all organized, and
because my machine at work leaves my messages on the my email
server (only my home system deletes them), I can keep tabs on
things. Mostly because hey, being an MIS means you spend 9/10's of
your time waiting for the network to break, and 1/10th of your time
fixing it when it does break :) Love my job! Where else can I sit
and research resonance and TC's 6 hours a day?
Sundog - Maybe 1 in a million chance of it happening...*bzzt*
-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
To: tesla@pupman.com <tesla@pupman.com>
Date: Friday, April 14, 2000 11:29 PM
Subject: Re: List.
>Original Poster: FutureT@aol.com
>In a message dated 4/14/00 11:16:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
>tesla@pupman.com writes:
>> I've setup a "test" of this concept and
>> was wondering if we all want to move from an email based system
over to
>> a web based site that we all could add to our "bookmarks/tool
>> instead of all the email messages.
>> Charles Arruda
>Charles, all,
>For my vote, I like the list the way it is now.
>JOhn Freau