Re: 7200 V too low?
I think the way they work is on the poles, the primary is the high side and
the secondary is the low side. At least here, they have three low side
taps, two hot with one center tap. Using both hot taps you get 240 from the
distribution grid voltage (here 7200) and using one hot and the neutral, you
get 120. 'Least that's how I understand it from the power company right
>From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
>To: tesla@pupman.com
>Subject: Re: 7200 V too low?
>Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 17:23:11 -0600
>Original Poster: Esondrmn@aol.com
>In a message dated 4/14/00 3:46:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
><< Hi everyone
> Checking with my dad's power company, all of the distribution
> in my town are at 7200 V. I may still be able to get one if i'm
> but is 7200 going to run an appx. 3 kVA coil OK, or should I look for a
> 14.4?
> Thanks,
> Nathan
> _ >>
>My transformer is a 14.4 5kva unit. I feed it 240 volts in and get 14,400
>out. I believe these transformers are rugged and over designed enough to
>allow you to input 240 volts in to the 120 volt tap and get 14,400 out of a
>7,200 volt unit. Has anyone tried this?
>Ed Sonderman
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