Re: 7200 V too low?
In a message dated 4/14/00 3:46:07 AM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla@pupman.com
<< Hi everyone
Checking with my dad's power company, all of the distribution transformers
in my town are at 7200 V. I may still be able to get one if i'm persistant,
but is 7200 going to run an appx. 3 kVA coil OK, or should I look for a
_ >>
My transformer is a 14.4 5kva unit. I feed it 240 volts in and get 14,400
out. I believe these transformers are rugged and over designed enough to
allow you to input 240 volts in to the 120 volt tap and get 14,400 out of a
7,200 volt unit. Has anyone tried this?
Ed Sonderman