Re: 7200 V too low?
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Nathan Ball" <nateburg@hotmail.com>
> Hi everyone
> Checking with my dad's power company, all of the distribution transformers
> in my town are at 7200 V. I may still be able to get one if i'm persistant,
> but is 7200 going to run an appx. 3 kVA coil OK, or should I look for a
> 14.4?
> Thanks,
> Nathan
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You can use two of these units with the secondaries connected in series,
tieing the common interconnection point to ground, to give you 14.4 kV.
Connect the primaries in parallel. This approach is sometimes used with
single bushing lower voltage transformers, but can be equally applied to
two-bushing transformers.
Safe coilin' to you!
-- Bert --
Bert Hickman
Stoneridge Engineering