
Re: contro box ideas from fellow coilers

Hi Bob,

	No Problem, if you blow one up, you will still have one left ;-))

Seriously, I think there is a resonably high risk of nasty things getting
into the control circuits of the UPS.  If the intrnal power devices cross
conduct, hope they are fused well or easy to replace...  However, please
give it a try if they UPS's are not too dear.  I would love to know what
happens ;-))



At 02:06 AM 04/14/2000 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi ,
>    I will be interesting to see what a kickback from a coil will do to a
>UPS system. I have two 1 kW ones but haven't yet dared try them on a coil.
>Make sure you have plenty of filtering on the input to the coil.  I might be
>being a bit paranoid about this, any comments anyone? Good luck.
>bob golding
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Tesla List" <tesla@pupman.com>
>To: <tesla@pupman.com>
>Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 6:54 PM
>Subject: contro box ideas from fellow coilers
>> Original Poster: "Daniele Bortoluzzi" <dbortoluzzi@sogeda.it>
>> I would like to thank you all for help and ideas about control boxes !
>> A friend of mine also told me he's gonna have an APC UPS large unit for me
>> It would be a good thing to prevent rf and hv going back to my outlets :)
>> ciao to all
>> Daniele
