Re: simple questions
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Trent Mullins" <neontrent@earthlink.net>
> 1. How important is it to have all the gaps spaced perfectly in a RQ TCBOR
> gap?
It's not that important. It makes it nice to have them close though so you can
have some idea what the breakdown voltage of your gap is. It will work if the
total gap distance is within the limits of your system. It probably runs
with them close to equal as well.. not sure, mine are all about .03"...
> 2. What size variac contoller is advisable for a system with a 15kV 120mA
> supply? How do you calculate that size?
I would say to be safe use a 15-20A variac. I use a 10A on a pair of NSTs
at 15KV
60mA and 30mA. It works fine. And I bet it would handle 120 mA just fine. But I
like to have more capacity than I need. The size is just how much current the
NSTs draw from the wall. Rate the variac for that, or thereabouts. ;) If
you want
to be exact I'm sure there is some math, I'm just relating what works for me.
> 3. Do NST's in parallel need to have the cases connected? (I read that they
> do somewhere?)
I like to ground my NSTs, so yes, the cases are connected together and to
I don't think it's required, but I preffer it. Make sure you phase the NSTs
paralleling. If you can draw an arc from the terminals they are out of phase,
hook it up the other way. Or swap the primary connections on one of them.
Whichever is eaiser.
> 4. Can line filters be run in parallel to increase the rating?