Re: Coil ideas for experiments
> > Nitrogen laser are powerful easy to built and radiate in the UV region
> of the
> > spectrum (perfect for ionization )
> > http://www.repairfaq.org/sam/lasercn2.htm#cn2saf
> Only great for single shot experiments, such as coin crusher, etc.
> TC's in
> SS mode. Pulsed Nitrogen lasers cannot be operated in the khz range--I
> because of the characteristics of the laser plasma.
> --Mike
More important is that a N2 laser doesn't put out high enough peak powers
to ionize the air (except possibly if focussed down to a very tiny point).
I have a photograph of a pulsed CO2 laser breaking down the air along the
beam. The laser cavity volume is about 40 liters(!), and, as I recall, the
pulses were on the order of 20 kJ (with a very short pulse length, on the
order of nanoseconds).
BTW the reason high reprates are hard with a N2 laser is that warm N2
doesn't lase.