
Re: paralleling NST


What do you mean when you ask which NST set-up is better? A single 12-30
is 360 watts, while two 9-30 is 540 watts. If it is longer arcs your
after, go with the bigger watts. I just finished my first coil using two
9-30 in parallel. With cheesy salt-water caps and a lack of a toroid
(donut) discharger, I can shoot 12" arcs. I wound mine on a 3" x 12"
secondary with little over 600 feet of 26 awg magnet wire. If could do it
over again, I would have used a 4" coil form and thicker magnet wire, and
more length of wire too.

As far as paralleling them, it is pretty easy to do. If you have two of
the same brand/model/identicle units, the "left" terminal should be in
phase with the "left" terminal of the other unit. This goes for the 120
line side as well as the High Voltage output side. And don't be afraid or
worried to try it...you won't damage them if it is wrong...if wired
incorrectly they won't spark. This is one are where an NST is pretty

Hope this helps. If you have any more questions, fire away!

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