Re: New solid state pictures
Hi Mike,
Thankyou for your kind comments about the web page.
I had a poulsen arc oscillator on my list of things to try sometime when I
get time ! It sounds very interesting and challaging despite the apparent
initial simplicity of the schematic. I don;t know of anyone else who has
attempted this so please let us know how it works.
> Original Poster: "Mike Nolley" <nolleym@willamette.edu>
> Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful!!! Great pics, Richie. I'm developing my
> own low-tech CW coil right now, which will utilize some little used arc-gap
> technology from the turn of the century (the poulsen arc). It's nice to know
> some of the characteristics of sparks driven by half wave, fullwave, and
> continuous sources. I will be able to experiment with all three of these
> forms with my current planned setup, and if I'm able to voice modulate it I
> might get a taste of making my own waveforms : P
> Thanks again!
> --Mike