Re: New page on the High Voltage ring/TEC web pages
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Re: New page on the High Voltage ring/TEC web pages
From: "harvey norris" <harvich@yahoo.com> (by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>)
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 08:08:43 -0600
Approved: twftesla@uswest.net
Delivered-To: fixup-tesla@pupman.com@fixme
--- Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> wrote:
> Original Poster: Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>
> Hi Harvey,
> I think you and I would disagree on a number of
> things but I love your
> scope pictures and "real" data!!
Actually I got in a hurry and just slapped things
together in a sloppy fashion, and errors were made: on
the homepage the sweeps per second quoted as 1/5
second sweep time for complete trace were in ten fold
error, at 20us/div that would be 200 us or 1/50th
second, these changes have now been made on the
homepage. All future pages in production will show the
position of the inductor in the system corresponding
with accurate freq sweep rate and voltage deflection
settings for that displayed form. Its no wonder folks
might think I'm mixed up since I've got this
tremdendous 10 fold error right on the main page, so
I'm getting my act together and making more precise
observations. The next page under construction should
be up in a day or two and will be entitled "The
Longitudinal EM Wave/Oscillations in Time" This deals
exclusively with current research made about May 4th
when a better MWO employing a gas tube connected to a
terminal water capacity is used. This produces about
the same duration of high freq spikes/60 hz cycle as
pictured on pg 3 estimated at 21/cycle, occupying
almost 50% of the cycle, but the vibrations from the
new process seem to be a superior vibration. All of
this 180 stuff may only be a standing wave effect of a
reflected vibrations being reflected back to the
source when we are viewing the electric field
phenomenon, as in the current refinement I am using 3
plates in series, and making the measurements on the
first plate. Somehow whatever process is made by the
electric field plate process where the midpoint of one
of the series resonances is vibrated by arcing to a
polar capacity also makes the magnetic field behave
the same way, thus it is a technique for producing
high freq effects on dual large inductors.
What is occuring is that the different freq
selection rates do give different information, and I
understand the scope is only a tool for observation,
that in fact some of the sweep rates themselves may
give faulty information regarding what is going on.
When I see a form that is properly triggered(I use
auto and normal functions,each seem to show the same
thing)I have called that a cohered form. At 2,5 and
around 10 us/div as a dividing line the original
signal will show, and the 180 counterpart will show as
a many traced signal. At 20 and 50
us(microseconds)/div the signal will be also
coherantly viewed, but the 180 counterpart will now be
viewed as incoherant signals in the background. Pause
frame shots of these supposed incoherant signals
reveal coherant signals rapidly drifting the the
cycles time line, so in view of others opinion, this
would be called a mistinterptetation of information
that the scope is giving, and improper triggering of
the scope is then cited as possible reasons for
obtaining this information deemed impossible to
obtain. However I believe the opposite, the scope is
giving me the real information, and I am interpreting
it according to my understanding. Everyone else on the
list is also welcome to view all 11 scope traces of
the new MWO -process from 5ms/div to 2 us/div as a
mailed jpeg file and form their own opinion/write off
list with (Scope Picture Request) as letter subject.
It may take a day or two to send as I am busy with
other stuff. Today I am downloading these to the
computer from the Dazzle software that allows VHS
player interface.
At .1 ms/div the signals again appear cohered,
but the high freq events are rapidly moving down the
cycles time line. I have called all these scope
pictures "Snapshots in Time of a Mwo Process" because
each frame sweep will show something a little
different on all these sweep rates mentioned,in the
case of sweep rates showing cohered forms that
different information appears as a slighly different
multitraced 180 form on each scope trace, in the new
process. At 20 and 50 us/div the background uncohered
signal can exceed the amplitude of the original signal
because this shows the effect of two signals going in
phase and summing amplitudes on some frames, and on
other frames they cancel producing the scalar effect.
Thus each of the snapshots made of a frame in those
sweep rates will reveal a different background signal,
along with the sweeps of .1 and .2 ms/div. At .1 ms
somtimes the high freq events will occupy the entire
sweep, sometimes they will not. At .2ms/div the signal
appears with high freq events across the entire sweep,
so I have chosen this sweep range for the new page.
What will be done here is to place the inductor about
4 inches off the electric field plate in the lateral
position, with the loops facing the plate. This will
be pictured, and the next three pictures will show the
spapshots in time obtained at this .2ms/div sweep rate
where it seems like each frame can be totally
different. What seems to be indicated in some scope
sweeps is that the high freq spikes/cycle, or BPS as
coilers know the term may vary cycle to cycle.
Yesterday I obtained shots where a supposed ring up
oscillation seems to occur along with a vanishing and
dual reappearing sweep beam. Unfortunately I have to
go back and start all over, all these have been
deleted because they were mistakenly formatted as bmp
files by the Dazzle software, so I better sign off for
now and go back and read the manual for once. I will
post a notice to tesla list when the new page is up.
> "I" think that many of the scope pictures suffer
> from poor scope
> triggering. The pictures seem to have hundreds of
> scope traces
> overlapping. I would try to use "normal" triggering
> and such to lock the
> trace triggering better. I think you need to really
> see just one trace in
> time as opposed to many overlapping traces that just
> seem to scramble
> what's really happening. Storage scopes are perfect
> for this but I think
> your analog scope will do fine with a bit more
> adjustment too.
Im fairly certain that what I am doing in the
technique is revealing frame by frame shots of the
scope sweep. At 60 hz observations the pause vcr
function can freeze a frame before the beam has
completed its sweep, as is shown on pg 3, Hillbilly
Scope Pictures with est 21 spikes/cycle First the VHS
tape of the scope operation is made. From there, there
are two options, the player can be placed on pause,
and the Dazzle software can make a digital picture or
the Dazzle software itself can take a still shot while
the VCR is playing. The sort of double image shot in
one of the water arc pictures on pg 3 was made using
that method, so I prefer to use the pausing function
as a method.
I certainly
> don't claim to get all this MWO stuff but I do think
> there is a real
> problem here in interpreting what the scope is doing
> in this case.
> It is great that you put up so much info on this!!
> One thing I will agree with is that you certainly do
> look very much like
> Dr. Tesla!!
> Cheers,
> Terry
Thanx for your comments, hope you dont mind me placing
them on the Messageboard HDN
Binary Resonant System
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