To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Re: MASSIVE Coil
From: Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>
Date: Fri, 05 May 2000 17:07:02 -0600
Approved: twftesla@uswest.net
Delivered-To: fixup-tesla@pupman.com@fixme
In-Reply-To: <20000505.154242.-971739.2.kunk77@juno.com>
Hi Dan,
At 03:30 PM 05/05/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Although I have no personal experience in operating a Magnifier Coil as
>of yet (it is a future project though), I have been led to believe that
>they are many times more effeicent than a standard 1/4 wave coil for
>several reasons...
>1) Extremely tight coupling between Lp and Ls
The base of a regular coil is actually "tightly coupled" in the same way.
When one looks at the power losses and coupling efficiency, there is not
much difference at all.
>2) Extremely low quench times (Tesla used a maggy with about 50,000 bps
>as I understand), this is to keep as much energy in the secondary as
>possible by reducing each bang size. For better quench you can wire a
>multiple gap in series with the rotary.
I don't "think" he went to 50000 BPS at least when he was also making big
arcs. But I would have to check to be sure.
>3) Tuning the secondary coil to the 1/8 wave (less voltage, but a lot
>more current), hence more overall power to drive the tertiary)
The power transfer is not too much different between the two systems. You
can play a few games and have a little more control over tuning and such
with three coils but the difference is not that great.
>4) Tertiary is not bogged down at all by the flux from the Lp and Ls
This really does not make a difference either. However, having the
tertiary free from the rest of the system does have some practical
advantages for very large coils. being able to use and handle the large
objects is much easier if the driver and tertiary are in two parts. Bill
Wysock's Model 13 is a very good example of a coil that would be very hard
to make and use if it were not a magnifier. However Greg Levy's electrum
is a BIG two coil system that would not be a good magnifier. So it looks
like you sort of need to match your BIG coils to the physical situation in
which they will be used...
>5)Tertiary is responcible for all the VSWR, not the secondary
"I" am not known for being a big fan of the VSWR and 1/4 wave stuff :-)))
So i'll let that go...
>Why would Tesla even bother building and operating these coils if he
>didn't think that there was some advantage? These after all were the
>coils he was going to use to send wireless electricity to power the
"Personally", "I" don't think Tesla knew enough at the time to realize all
the aspects of his coil system. At Colorado Springs, the three coil system
"fit" in his lab well and his experiments were a little "defined" buy the
space he had in his lab. Given what we know today, I think Tesla would
pick either the two or three coil system based on other things besides
power transfer just as today's big coil builders do.
>As far as the 22 mega volt RQ coil, those are his claims, I am just
>repeating. Another advantage to the magnifier coil is that it is able to
>process a much higher voltage without frying to a crisp. As I mentioned
>before I have no actual hands on experience yet, so the advantages may
>not be quite as bold...but there is only one way to find out! :-) I am
>curious though if you have built one of these coils?
The 22 Megavolts is now known to be a little "optimistic" by at least one
(perhaps two) orders of magnitude :-)) Only recently have the tools been
available to really confirm secondary voltages. The older claims were
based on what they knew at the time. A three coil system may or may not be
better for long arcs depending on the physical space available to run it.
But the power transfer can be optimized in either with pretty much equal
When you make your coil, perhaps you could try to make it easily
configurable as either a two or three coil system and study the
differences! I do not remember anyone really trying to make a "dual
configurable" (oh, oh, I feel another abbreviation coming ;-)) coil that
could do side by side comparison tests...