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[TCML] Re: VTTC Tank Caps

Hi Jordan,

I have good success with the Murata N4700 doorknob capacitors. These drift very little with temperature. I also put a reflective infrared shield between the tube and the tank capacitor to avoid any heating by the tube. I use these on my 833C VTTC and they work very well.

Steve White
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

----- Original Message -----
From: "jordan simmons" <simmonsjordan999@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Tesla Coil List" <tcml@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 11:11:52 AM
Subject: [TCML] VTTC Tank Caps

Hey All,
I have been looking for a while to find some suitable doorknob caps for a
GU 81M VTTC. Running ~350kHz probably around 1kW, 1.5kW if I really push
it. C-tank between 1.8-2.5nF.
Is it worth it to get doorknob caps? Or is it more wise to roll with an MMC
And what about the max voltage ratings on the grid leak capacitor? Is it
critical for it to be plate supply rated, or derated to the tube's

Thanks for any input.
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