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Re: [TCML] My now formerly "breadboard" interrupter for my 304er VTTC.

Hi John and all.

"Nice final enclosure for the "breadboard" circuit."

Thanks John. Glad you like it also.

"Interesting too about your work using the solid state relay.  Lot of
interesting effects."

Thanks again. I really like the full manual control. Still "playing and
learning" on it.
I will admit, this controller on my end was actually almost too easy to do.
I actually wonder what is all the true circuitry that is inside the encoder
and the SSR. Just have only some basic circuit details of each.

"I did some work in the past using "mechanical staccato".  I used
amotorized rotary switch to interrupt the spark.  I did this both in a
synchronized way and a non-synch way. As the motor speed was varied in the
non-synch mode, the sparks sounded like a motorcycle engine revving up,
etc.  Pretty cool sound and sparks."

A while back, I was wondering and thinking if someone has ever done
something like this. I was exploring similar different variations in my
Should have known, you already had this covered...   :^)

Some more comments and thoughts for others also if they are interested:

Overall, I like all the different possibilities of controlling a VTTC. Adds
to the challenge and fun, in addition to the normal challenge of the VTTC
itself. Keeps it all very interesting and learning more along the way.

I am now officially a collector of VTTC Staccato controllers  :^)
At 3 now. Have probably a couple more coming "playing" with SSR's.

And I just got in another very compact, PCB board kit from Germany. I am
always curious. Very economical also. This one, after looking at the
schematic, is very close to the original design work one of Dave Sharpe,
John Freau and John Tebbs. But some different ideals on things again. This
one is basically the same on the zero crossover detection, so I will need
to "correct" the synch for level shifted. I will do this trying the SSR,
which should work I think. (For those, that have not read about my "Swords
On Demand" controller, see the recent post on me using the SSR here.) But
you never know for sure until till you try. I will report on this, when I
get it built and tested.

And looking back if the SSR works on this German one, the original design
work one and EVR one also, could be "corrected" for level shifted power
this way.

But for me, I am going to leave both of those the same for a few reasons.
The original design work one, that I have modified a bit, was a very great
learning experience, to get a better understanding the controller and what
I was trying to achieve and it works great. The EVR one, because, it is
interesting to be able to switch between the "different synchs" by a "flip
of the switch". And it was a simple, once I "found" it, a one capacitor
Just a related note, the original design work one, if using a center tap
transformer and switch could be done this way also.

Just another note, on how I changed, the EVR one, it is a little flawed. If
you look at my recent post on several scope traces, looking at the what I
like to call the  EVR "long lead" ones, you can see it has what I am going
to call a "hiccup" before main discharge on several traces, because of
starting on the falling portion of the sine wave. Very occasionally, this
spoils the main sword discharge. But not enough to be considered a problem.
And, as I said above I like to be able to flip the switch back and forth.

A closing thought here on my long winded post again :-D
As one can see, there is several ways to achieve the "final goal" of what
is wanted. You just have to pick a way here. I would be curious if some
others come up with some other ways also and post them.

Chris Reeland
Ladd Illinois USA

Sent from my LG V20
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