I depotted several in our home oven. It had an electronic thermostat, so I started low, and every half hour, checked to see if it was soft on the outside. I cranked it up 5° at a time, until it started oozing out into a cheap wok. I had it on its side, until enough potting oozed out that I could disconnect the leads. Never smelt at all. Took a while, but I got it done. I repotted several in paraphin, but the last two, I placed in a Rubbermaid container and filled with oil. Some worked, some needed a few HV windings removed but all were repaired.
On Wednesday, January 16, 2019, 8:39:24 PM EST, Bart Anderson <gort@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Jeremiah,
I have de-potted a couple NST's by setting an electric stove top burner
onto a large coffee can and the NST on top of the burner. Stove tops get
to roughly 350-400ºF and the tar does melt. When it does, the tar will
ooze out of any opening such as the LV and HV bushings. But, it takes a
while at that temp to get the tar melted and I don't think 20-40 minutes
in the powder-coat oven is going to melt it fast enough. But, it's a
risk. As someone already said, if you can put a dead NST through it
first, you might save yourself an oops.
Take care,
On 1/16/2019 6:47 AM, Amnite Ascended wrote:
> Sorry if your first thought was, "Jesus man.... Millionth time...
> Fragile...."
> Anywho. So I want to see if a whole, working, NST will survive getting
> powder coated. My main concern is the windings insulation.
> For those unfamiliar with the process, here is a quick overview.
> The NST will get sandblasted. Then hung on a rack. The rack and NST will
> then be grounded. The powder is charged so it easily sticks to the grounded
> object. Then the NST will be heat treated to melt and bond the powder. This
> is sticking it in an oven for 20-40 minutes, at temps between 325-425 f.
> Lugs will of course been protected. The tar smell/smoke shouldn't be an
> issue.
> I've never unpotted one of these, so seeking the experiences of the list.
> Thanks,
> Jeremiah
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