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Re: [TCML] Charter/ spectrum internet mail

It is not uncommon for ISPs to block standard outgoing mail ports to protect their networks reputation from spambots (infected machines). You might try changing the ports on your mail client to something other than port 25 for SMTP. The mail provider should be able to tell you which ports and authentication protocol to use. If you have a telnet client you can see which ports are blocked by attempting to connect to your mail service provider.
Default Ports:
	Server: 	Authentication: 	Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) 	Non-Encrypted 	AUTH 	25 (or 587)
  	Secure (TLS) 	StartTLS 	587
  	Secure (SSL) 	SSL 	465
POP3 Server (Incoming Messages) 	Non-Encrypted 	AUTH 	110
  	Secure (SSL) 	SSL 	995

On 2018-10-21 14:40, doug11642@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I would like to hear from anyone who is having trouble with third
party mail programs such as MS OUTLOOK or any other third party mail
program through Charter/ Spectrum internet service.Main problem is
outbox being blocked! forcing you to use spectrum mail.Doug
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