1/4" lexan or plexiglass works great, I leave a bit of space under each cap
for cooling but I don't know if it matters. I have mine setup with two
sheets separate by nylon standoffs/nuts so the back is protected from hands
and you can lay it down flush.
I tied my caps together directly, have insulated copper junction points
with brass balls on top of each, and an adjustable brass safety gap. Main
interconnects are 14awg? Stranded auto battery wire, soldered to circle
connectors which is then smoothed with a Dremel buffing tool.
Plus the blue lexan looks awesome!
On Sat, Jun 23, 2018, 5:36 PM James Janota <j.janota@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have 24 942c6p15kf each with their own 0.5 watt 10Mohms resistor. I hope
> that’s enough. So the question becomes mounting them. How thick of
> plexiglass should suffice? What gauge wire should I use to connect the NST
> and the primary?
> Regards
> James Janota
> (727)512-7112 Phone
> (727)595-6625 Fax
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