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Re: [TCML] Strickfaden's "Lightning Screen"

Hi Dave,
Email me, I have plans. It uses an x ray transformer.
You need a disc of tempered glass.

At 11:10 PM 30/10/16 -0400, you wrote:
Esteemed Group,

With Halloween nigh upon us, I was thinking of more interesting things to possibly build for next year.

Does anyone know anything about the circuitry for Ken Strickfaden's Lightning screen? I know there is a central disc electrode that arcs to a peripheral ring. I suspect the disc surface is smooth glass. Phosphorescent paint (inaccurately called "radioactive" paint in the 1943 Popular Mechanics article) applied behind the glass results in afterimages of the discharges.

I'm trying to figure out if the unit is driven with AC or DC, or AC with a capacitor across the output. I'm guessing AC, but don't know if there was any capacitance across the supply.

Has anyone built one? Anyone ever have the chance to examine the original article?


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