I have two 1156 powerstat autotransformers that I'm planning to use for control of a 10-15KVA DRSSTC. I am trying to determine the appropriate way (if it exists) to use these in series. If I want to use my split phase 240v service as input then how do I want to wire these up? I assume I would connect the common terminals of the two powerstats to each other and then either wire from the mains to the other ends of each primary. But I have a few questions.
1) Should I connect the common terminals to: a. neutral? b. ground? c. nothing - let it float? d. use it as a centertap for full wave voltage doubler? (My gut tells me to go with a. and d.)
hot1 powerstat 1_______ ) )<-----------------------------neutral ) _______)_________________ to full wave doubler ) powerstat 2 )hot2 )<------------------------------
2) I plan to use a single shaft tied to both wipers, but certainly the output voltages won't be exactly opposite and equal. Does that matter somewhere down the line for my full bridge? Do I need to do anything special to ensure proper current sharing through the powerstats?
3) If I choose to forgo PFC how are these units likely to hold up under the current spikes I expect from the rectifier/doubler? I seem to remember seeing a datasheet for the 1156d series that indicated they could withstand up to twice the rated current for several minutes, but what does experience say?
I'm hoping that someone has used a similar configuration at some point and could share some pointers/lessons learned.
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