Can someone explain the purpose of these discussions on power factor? Are
we trying to read primary currents or how well the primary and secondary
are exchanging energy?
On Sep 3, 2015 9:06 AM, "dave pierson" <dave_p@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> >
> > If you have dire need to measure current and cant get a CT. In a pinch, I
> > once used a short segment of #10 solid core wire to measure 35 or so
> amps of
> > current, which was outside the range of my measuring device at the time.
> > I measured the resistance along the length and found a length that
> > corresponded to .1ohms. (like a foot or wire or so) then i soldered 2
> loops
> > of smaller wire at those locations so i could clip on my multimeter.
> Solder
> > some ring connectors a little further down. Measure the millivolts and
> you
> > can easily determine the current.Calibrated it by using my meter and
> > verifying it was accurate at lower currents. Of course it gets less
> > accurate when it starts getting warm and its dangerous, but its still
> > reasonably close at currents around the wires standard rating.
> > Worked great in a pinch!Probably not ideal for what your trying to do,
> but
> > figured i'd offer the concept for inquiring minds anyway.
> I used the same technique on my motorcycle, years back.
> Taking reasonable care in construction, its still there,
> still working.
> best
> dwp
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