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[TCML] Coil Demo Indoors

Hello all,
     I was asked to demo my coil for our local Cub Scout troop and had a
question about safety and solicit any other feedback on the topic. I will
be running the coil inside a large sanctuary at a church with high ceilings
but also with carpet. The carpet is my concern as I will be running the
coil on a counterpoise directly over the carpet. Is this a potential fire
hazard or is it only a problem if the coil strikes the ground (my coil
can't arc that far)?

My next major concern is ozone build up, but I think I will open the
windows up to help vent it out and be cognizant of any build up of
ozone. Are there any other safety issues (besides the obvious of getting
shocked) that I may be overlooking?

Also, what are some things that you might do besides just turning it on to
get the kids interested and involved? I thought about lighting up
fluorescent bulbs from a distance but that is about all I can think of. And
how do you explain on a very basic level how a tesla coil works to a group
of 6 to 10 year olds?

Thank you all in advance for any help you can give!

Jeremy Gassmann
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