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Re: [TCML] Geek Group HV Lab Fire

You can make a good secondary winder from an old ice cream freezer motor. It has more than enough torque to wind a 13" dia form, and probably would do a 20". You just need a frame and a tailstock to support the other end. I made the frame from some old Unistrut.
Good luck to the Geek Group.  They rock.


-----Original Message----- From: Krux
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 5:19 PM
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List
Subject: Re: [TCML] Geek Group HV Lab Fire

Looking forward to seeing the process of rebuilding Gemini.

That reminds me. I need to document the CNC secondary coil winder I am designing for my tesla coil project (Icarus, which I also need to document further)

The coil winder has turned into a large project in and of itself. I could spend hours winding by hand, or spend [at this point, weeks] building a machine to do it for me. It's designed to be entirely modular. Need to wind a larger coil? Build a larger base, maybe beef up your stepper motors and the drivers, and you are golden. It'll also handle turning your coil at a specific rate while your protective coating is drying to prevent runs.
The idea is you punch in your coil form diameter, diameter/height ratio, and 
wire size, and it calculates the rest.  Just about got it to the point where 
I can click go and have a finished coil wound.
perl -e 's==UBER?=+y[:-o]}(;->\n{q-yp-y+k}?print:??;-p#)'

Jon Danniken <danniken@xxxxx> wrote:

Someone's got a case of the potty mouth.

Glad everyone is okay.


On 01/05/2014 02:44 PM, Chris Boden wrote:
Of interest to the general HV world.



Cleanup is well underway, and reconstruction will begin immediately after.

Christopher Boden
President, C.E.O.
The Geek Group
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