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Re: [TCML] Tesla coil spark gap dies away AFTER working

On 4/1/14 3:57 AM, matty mcqueeney wrote:
Hi everyone,
I tested my tesla coil yesterday and it worked brilliantly, However after a while the sparks started to die away.
The spark gap I use is similar to the one below

the two bolt head gap?

That will definitely have thermal issues..

I do not use a fan to cool it down either.
I was wondering if you knew any reason why the spark gap was dieing away?
what happens is that you get a hot spot on the electrode, and that 
causes the gap to fire earlier,at a lower voltage, when there's less 
energy stored in the primary capacitor, so the resulting secondary 
sparks are shorter.
You need a fairly healthy air flow for a bolt head type gap.  I'd get a 
couple pieces of copper pipe and hook those on the bolts and use that. A 
short piece of pipe has a lot of surface area, and is gently curved, 
both of which help spread the sparks around.
A low speed muffin fan to gently blow air across it helps too.

Thanks Matthew. 		 	   		
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