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Re: [TCML] Re: Coil Died

Well, looks like I'm benefitting from this plethora of info on the 'art of reviving fried NSTs' about a decade-and-a-half too late :-) At this point, it still seems like an awful lot of time and effort to save a transformer that's inherently weak and fragile to begin with, but hey, that's just me ;-) Actually, I would recommend the NST or OBIT to the beginning SG coiler, as these relatively small and weak, current limited HV transformers can surely bite when one makes a mistake, but pigs, PTs, or even MOTs are very unforgiving of careless mistakes that lead to a shock and can quickly KILL!

David Rieben

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 19, 2013, at 6:42 PM, "Dave Halliday" <dh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 'the awful smell in the oven' only happens if you get it too hot.
> Buy a cheap toaster oven at Goodwill and stand it on its back (make a box of
> cardboard that is the same size as your NST to check tht it will fit).  Set
> it at low temp and let it sit for a few hours. Check the tar. If it is not
> the consistency of heavy motor oil, raise the temp ten degrees and wait
> another two hours. 
> Do this outside on a sheet of plywood on a cement surface and you will be
> fine.
> Dave
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx 
>> [mailto:tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ed Phillips
>> Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2013 15:06
>> To: Tesla Coil Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: [TCML] Re: Coil Died
>> I'll add my experience.  Nothing new of course but when 'one 
>> end' of an 
>> NST is bad and probably partially shorted through a track in the tar, 
>> I've been successful on several occasions by using a really 
>> high power 
>> hot air gun to melt the tar there.  Takes a long time with 
>> heat applied 
>> to case and top of tar until is's very liquid and a lot safer than 
>> digging into the tar and finding the leads. 
>> Hasn't always worked but the time invested trying is well 
>> spent.  I've 
>> never tried heating the whole transformer in an oven because 
>> of the fire 
>> danger and the time it would take to melt and then cool.  
>> There's also 
>> 'the awful smell'
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