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[TCML] 4-250 VTTC w/Staccato on Ebay
Dear Fellow Coilers,
This is simply a notification that one of my first VTTC coils is up for bids on Ebay. Based on the 4-250 power tetrode (a spare is included), the unit also includes a Staccato Controller to modify the duty cycle of the arcs and sparks from approx. 1 to 30 hz. A hefty MOT is employed in a level shifter circuit to power the oscillator. I must give credit where credit is due - both the VTTC and Staccato Controller circuits are based on veteran coiler Steve Wards designs. Without his help the already steep learning curves would have been substantially longer, as if they weren't difficult enough already in actually assembling the coil and circuit.
Any way the auction is up for 5 days so if anyone is interested please have a look - plenty of pictures, VTTC and Staccato schematics, and videos to see. And for those who do have a look, good luck on Ebay and have a nice day!
- Michael Mayer
- mpmayer0416@xxxxxxxxxxx
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