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[TCML] Harry Goldman Collection to be auctioned off

I posted some photos, admit they are tough to look through though.  The details -
April 12th, 2013 @ 10:00AM AT CABIN FEVER EXPO & AUCTIONS EVENT 334 Carlisle 
Ave. York, PA 17404 
You can Google it and find the auction pages or just look up Harry Goldman auction.
Please buy something, Harry was priceless and his belongings too.  

All of our collections are alive just one life at a time.  Help to extend this stuff another lifetime.  In institutions, it is as good as gone.
So much history has been scrapped lately it's unreal, and it happens without anyone knowing.   Priceless history.
Harry was one of us - one of the best in fact.  Save something knowing that it was his - this should be enough incentive.

I am not subscribed to emails, so please copy to my email address with any comments.
Please also spread the word, and please also support Ruth in what must have been a tough decision, but I believe firmly the right decision as well.

Jeff Behary, c/o
The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum

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