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[TCML] Biography and projects (Jesse Frost)

Who: Jesse Frost
Where: Adelaide, South Australia
Contact: frostty90@xxxxxxxxx
Experience: into electronics since i was 10, have just started a Phd in EE
at Adelaide University
Best TC: First TC was a tiny spark gap coil made with junk when I was about
12, 3cm sparks. Next proper coil was a 4" sparkgap coil with dual MOT and
air blown static gap, max 1m sparks, was very cool at the time... then a
series of 'classic' SS coils, i.e. clocked inverter type, best one was a 3"
secondary, running from unfiltered mains, lots of 40cm hot sparks. Next was
a 6" secondary for experimenting with different drives and optimising
performance, every thing but the secondary is basically continuously
changing. But which is the best? I liked my tabletop 3" SS coil the best
because of the show of sparks it produced.
Website: n/a
Youtube videos: none at the present (http://www.youtube.com/user/frosty956)
Media: n/a
Social media: Facebook
Interests other than Tesla: Electronics, Mathematics, Music (Jazz)
Plans: ....dont know, depends what the future holds.
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