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Re: [TCML] Is there an ideal frequency you should build around?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Lux" <jimlux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 5:06 AM
Subject: Re: [TCML] Is there an ideal frequency you should build around?

On 12/17/13 6:39 PM, shane bounds wrote:
My bad just realized I put in diameter instead of radius, so it thought I
was using a 6.5" diameter form. But if i understand it correctly, in the
secondary you want more induction and low capacitance, correct?

not necessarily..
More inductance (relative to the primary) means higher voltage, but it's energy stored in the C that propagates the spark.

Spark length depends mostly on the energy you put into it. Usually the arc
will limit the output voltage, so that a calculation based on the primary tank
energy content and the top load, to which this energy will be transferred,
will overestimate the voltage considerably.

I believe, that a lower secondary frequency is preferable wrt to spark length.
The voltage amplitude down the arc is attenuated by the arcs series resistance
and the capactive load caused by its space charge. A lower frequency will
reduce the effect of the capacitive load and decrease the voltage drop along
the arc, so it can grow longer.


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