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[TCML] Using Spark Gap Tubes for a SGTC?
Hey all,
The main thing I have always hated about spark gap coils is the spark gap! Loud as hell, bright, pumps out tons of ozone, and did I mention loud? I have an old 1B22 radar spark gap tube, which fires at 2.7kV and can handle 75A of current at <1100pps. I was wondering if it would be possible to use several of these in series as the main spark gap for a low power SGTC. Since the spark is contained inside a tube and the fill gas intended for fast quenching most of the noise and light would be contained. Four tubes in series is almost the exact voltage needed for a 7.5kV/30mA NST like the one I have.
Is this just a crazy idea doomed to fail or could it work? I assume run times would have to be kept extremely short to prevent overheating, and depending on pulse current parallel strings of tubes may be needed for longer run times, but for “single shot” or similar low pps operation it should work.
I found a website that claimed to use such a set up for a bipolar coil but could not find any additional info on if it actually worked or not or any pictures of it in operation. http://www.theoldscientist.co.uk/Tesla_coil_components.html
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