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Re: [TCML] How do they ballast BIG coils?


Lets play a thought experiment.  Let's build a 5 megawatt machine.
This is a stretch, challenge, and undeniably the largest machine
ever attempted.  How would one do this?

First I have experience working on Industrial Medium Voltage Power
Systems and LARGE rotating machinery (motors to 6,000HP, generators
to 200MW).  I would submit the first step is a large synchronous
MV motor running a large synchronous MV generator.  Been around
for over 100 years and is known as a Ward Leonard Control.  Basically
a MG power amplifier from he$$.


The motor runs at fixed speed 1200rpm (usually, 6 pole machine) and
generator likewise runs at 1200 rpm on common shaft line.  You control
output power by field excitation control of the AC output generator.
High speed field forcing controls are COTS and used on drag line
strip mining excavators.  The below paper is hands down one of the
best I've ever seen explaining synchronous motor control, and field
forcing using high speed IGBT DC power packs (PWM force driving
of fields).  This methodology allows local utility power factor and
voltage support, by field forcing of generator based on instantaneous
loading, can provide up to 2.5X per unit name plate power (4000 HP
==> 10,000 HP short duty).  Just a Mythbuster's calculation
how about 50,000 lb ft of instantaneous torque at 1200rpm supplied
to generator?   ==8^O


Field forcing allows control of generator impedance, although
liquid rheostats could also be installed in series to MV load.
They are also COTS and used for wound rotor motor controls
up to thousands of HP.


Actual Tesla  system driver could be electronic (though a stretch) or
spark gap.  I would submit that NASA would be the first place to look
for a new generation SG technology.  My son works as a NASA
employee at Ames Research Center (ARC how appropriate), and their
ARCJET facility is used for testing heat ablative protection systems.
The SG heating the gases is rated 60MW continuous with some overload
capability.  This technology could be utilized in developing a totally
new design rotary or stationary gap system capable of handling MW
of power.

Its not a question of can it be done, its a question of where is the
money coming from to do it?

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 10:05 PM, Neon Tesla <neontesla@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>         I recently was looking at my home made slide choke and
> it occurred to me there is no real way that I know of to scale that
> up like for a coil like
> 13M<http://www.teslatechnologyresearch.com/model13.html> Magnifier.
> I love that coil to death, but
> I have no idea how one would would go about ballasting for
> 100kVA!
> --
> *Don't lower your expectations, raise the voltage !*
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Dave Sharpe, TCBOR/HEAS
Chesterfield, VA USA

Sharpe's Axiom of Murphy's Law
"Physics trumps opinion!"
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