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Success Re: [TCML] Measuring secondary current

Hunting through the TCML archives, I found this message (http://www.pupman.com/listarchives/2002/March/msg00007.html) suggesting a much simpler way to measure current through the TC secondary -- use an incandescent bulb! Using a 6V 400mA lamp in series with the secondary ground lead, I got just a hint of glow from the filament. I then used a variable-current power supply to drive the bulb until I got approximately the same amount of glow, and measured the current out of the power supply.
The result was about 130-150mA current through the secondary base lead, 
with no arcs being drawn from the breakout. As soon as I approached the 
breakout point with a metal object, current out of the secondary dropped 
precipitously and the lamp turned offf.

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