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Re: [TCML] Need info help Model M-150 Tesla Coil from late D.C. Cox.

Hello Mike,
Could we see some pics of the capacitor and rotary spark gap. I have a Dr.R. high Q pulse cap of 6onF at 80Kv and it too is a large white box, removing the lid to repair a bit of self inflicted damage revealed a dry unit with several foil modules in series. It actually works very well but his earlier models may well have been MMC based but I have no information on this.
I look forward to seeing this slightly unconventional (by todays standards) coil in operation, I'm sure it will be very impressive.


14 Broad Street, Stamford, Lincs PE9 1PG 

Tel: 01780 753008

 From: Mike DeLosier <mdelosier@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: 'Tesla Coil Mailing List' <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent: Tuesday, 16 October 2012, 1:34
Subject: [TCML] Need info help Model M-150 Tesla Coil from late D.C. Cox.

I am currently working a Resonance Transformer Model M-150 Tesla Coil
1,000,000 volt unit,
It said it develops 8-9 foot long sparks with minimal input power 6-7
kVA . 

The late D.C. Cox built this Tesla Coil for the museum and didn’t
install it or complete it they received shipment in Feb 2012.

I am volunteering to get the M-150 Tesla Coil into operation at the
Museum as an exhibit.

I looking for some one who has M-150 Tesla Coil or knows about it, D.C.
Cox seemed to have many friends over the years..

I have been reverse engineering it the Tesla Coil Primary, Secondary,
Rotary Spark Gap, Control Box, Variac unit and H.V. power supply..

I now have schematics I drew of complete M-150 Tesla Coil wiring end to

My questions are the Coil Design, Resonance, Tuning, operation and
duration of operation.

Today I debugged the last of the wiring problems from the Variac unit to
AC Voltage Meter.

After tracing the wiring out over several evenings we powered M-150 up.

Didn’t apply full power yet,

Initial power up and check out of control box, OK
Initial check out rotary spark gap all is OK,
Initial check out of HV power supply:

230 VAC Input               H.V. Output no load, ( no coil or spark gap
50 VAC                        2.9 KV
100 VAC                       5.71 KV .
150 VAC                       8.68 KV
200 VAC                       11.67 KV

We then powered up M-150, but not to full power no output sprites from
top load break out wire.

I think there is a tuning issue and or re-design issues, the coil
secondary turns is only 350 turns, D.C. Cox had it shorten by two feet
and maybe not adjusted into tune.

Toroid terminal  is  33" x  8"  = 35.6 pf

Secondary Coil:
350 turns of 18ga stranded red pvc jacket.
17" coil dia.
Total secondary tube length is 40"
Actual winding length 35.5"
Wound with 18ga stranded red covered pvc wire.
Winding starts 1" from top end'
Winding ends 4" from bottom end.
40" X 17" dia sonotube covered with looks like Dolph's AC-43 

Primary Coil:
8 Turns of 1/2 copper tubing.
Minor dia 11.5"
Major dia 19.5"
Winding Type Copper Tube 1/2"
Winding Spacing 1"
Primary base 4' dia of 1" wood plywood or particle board.

Primary Capacitor 0.1 uf and 80KV 

Capacitor is a mystery white box as picture shows, there are two one
connect and one not.
On cap says  0.1uf @ 80KV,   I may open the white box, Maxwell’s or home
maid  caps?

18” dia 10 point rotary spark gap ran by 1725 RPM ½ hp motor

350 secondary turn seems to be vary short of the 1 million volt output.

I have also taken several pictures of M-150 Tesla Coil, HV Power Supply,
H.V. output Variac and Main Control Box.

Any insight on the M-150 would be appreciated :-)

I have done the math on coil specs, seems to be a problem?

Tomorrow I bring my scope, freq generator / counter double check
resonance freq to math and a capacitance meter  to check the un-marked
mystery caps capacitance too.

Mike DeLosier

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