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Re: [TCML] Re: Toroid
When I was in high school (ah, those halcyon days of yore) we built a TC
with a center-tapped secondary 11" dia and 48" long. The primary was 10 t
of 1/4" copper tubing 24" dia. We used 15 one-gallon mayonnaise jars (wide
mouth) lined in and out with al foil within 3" of the top. We didn't know
for nuthin about top loads, so it was just the bare coil ends. It worked
fine. We figured the capacitance of each jar was about I nf. Lots of cool
blue light around the top of the foil. Oh, yeah, three 15-30s in parallel,
if I remember right. It's nice if your friend's dad runs a neon sign shop.
-----Original Message-----
From: jhowson4@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 7:59 PM
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List
Subject: Re: [TCML] Re: Toroid
Alright, so you might just have a decent power supply, if you run the NST on
120v how far can you draw an arc?
In order to get a working coil, your going to need to do a little math, just
making a capacitor array and hoping its close is not going to work out
unless you are really really lucky.
I suggest you find a a way to calculate the capacitance.
If you send me one and pay for return postage, I would be happy to give you
an exact measurement with one of my labs capacitance meters.
Knowing what I know now it appears your coil is just not in tune.
Decreasing primary turns increases the resonant frequency.
Increasing primary turns decreases the resonant frequency.
Decreasing capacitance increases the resonant frequency.
Increasing capacitance decreases the resonant frequency.
So if you increase your primary turns and notice longer sparks, you have
decreased the frequency. Now you should increase your capacitance and see if
you get longer arcs.
Like wise if you decrease the primary turns and notice longer sparks you
have increase the frequency and you should decrease your capacitance and see
if you get longer arcs.
repeat until you get the longest sparks.
But I will say that just doing the math and figuring out the proper
capacitance, and then determining the capacitance of your cap before hand
will prove highly beneficial to you in the long run.
You could actually figure out the capacitance value by using a neon bulb
(radio shack) a resistor, and a dc source basically
you charge the capacitor from the DC source ( ~ 100 or so volts or something
like that) through the resistor (largish) and place the bulb across the
capacitor , It will flash and a regular interval. and this can let you
calculate how quickly the cap charges to a certain voltage, for a certain
easily measured resistor. and through a little math you can determine the
capacitance. If you try this email me off list and I would be happy to help
you out with the math.
John "Jay" Howson IV
"Why thank you, I will be happy to take those electrons off your hands."
----- Original Message -----
From: "anthony lockwood" <siranthonylockwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 9:52:05 PM
Subject: RE: [TCML] Re: Toroid
the bottom of my secondary is connected to the cold water Tap....the caps
are 25 ,150ml empty plastic medicine containers . salt water leydon jar
setup.,a tin of red bull energy drink can fits snugly around the containers
,instead of foil.don't know capacitance dont know nsts voltage.gonna take
the whole thing apart and use 3 mots and start again.
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2012 16:46:43 -0700
From: jimlux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [TCML] Re: Toroid
On 9/30/12 3:23 PM, anthony lockwood wrote:
> What on earth are you talking about,was this message ment for me.if
> it was my torroid is 18" inner is 8".
so the diameter of the tube is about 5"?
20" windings 1000 turns.
12 turns
> quarter with quarter for primary.
two nsts in parallel.
What voltage and current?
and 25 salt
> water caps.
WHat kind of salt water caps? Beerbottle in a bucket? Have you measured
the capacitance
I only get ,2" lightning to an earthed rod.that's my
> problem it's a big thing with pitifull results.and that's it lol.
how is the bottom of the secondary connected to ground?
2" is pretty short for 800-1000 W power input.. how did you do your
What kind of spark gap are you using?
Do you have a breakout point on your toroid? are you getting lots of 2"
sparks at once, or just one?
>> Hello. I constructed the 30" top load as advised and much to my
>> dismay, I am still getting multiple smaller arcs. If I change the
>> tuning and add a Breakout point, I can get one, sometimes two,
>> larger arcs. I can't get the arcs to exceed 3'; I feel my coil is
>> under performing for the 1.1kw I am pumping into it. My smaller top
>> load is almost more impressive, as it produces arcs of comparable
>> length from a much smaller package. Any advice? Thanks.
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