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Don't use parrafin. The problem I've encountered with that is its massive
shrinkage when it cools, which leads to cracks and air bubbles. Instead use
beeswax, or a mixture of rosin and beeswax. It doesn't shrink nearly as
As for leading the wire thru, I just put the next layer of tape 'under' the
wire, so it's just a continuous spiral.
On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 12:37 PM, Scott Bogard <sdbogard@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> That is impressive, not exactly what I was looking for but impressive
> nonetheless, elegant in its simplicity even. My only concerns are thus,
> the presence of air between windings since it is not technically potted
> (which could be rectified easily by swapping out the electrical tape with
> some kind of paper, and then potting in paraffin or epoxy, as long as it
> does not get too hot to melt the Teflon) and how long it took to build (25
> hours, ugh...) I am planning on making a number of flybacks, so I will
> have to find a way to expedite the process, even if it is just mounting it
> on a rotating rod. You have given me much to think about, thanks very much
> for sharing, I'm thinking maybe I will do this with paper coated in rubber
> cement (which shouldn't melt Teflon, and provide decent dielectric
> shielding) I'll probably have to make one layer at a time, since it won't
> stick to itself, but should make a fairly rigid finished product, How do
> you do the lead through from one layer to another? Just leave the wire
> sticking out until you put down your tape then bring it over?
> Scott Bogard.
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 6:31 PM, Adam <teravolt.org@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Not sure if I'm doing this right....
> >
> > But this might help you somewhat http://teravolt.org/fryback.php. It's
> my
> > results at making an FBT.
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