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Re: [TCML] "Transformers at Pittsfield" book by Thomas Blalock is now On-line!

Drat... it looks like high traffic may have temporarily crashed the server. Try again in a day or two.


Ed Phillips wrote:
Bert Hickman wrote:


I had been searching for Thomas Blalock's book about the history of
GE's power transformer manufacturing and testing facility for many
years. Unfortunately, only 200 copies were ever published, and it has
been virtually impossible to locate a copy. This is a 300+ page
treasure trove of information, chock full of historic photos, covering
the 80 year history of power transformer manufacturing and testing in
Pittsfield, MA.

I just discovered that the entire book is now available online at the
IEEE Global History Network web site in three parts. You do not need
to be an IEEE member to read the book. All three parts also contain
loads of historic photos. Part 2 is devoted entirely to the High
Voltage Testing Lab, and contains lots of information and pictures
about their cascade transformers, impulse generators, high current
capacitor discharge lab, the 1939 World's Fair setup, and transformer
testing. The three parts can be found here:




Happy reading!


For some reason links don't work for me. Any ideas?


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