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Re: [TCML] RMS voltage
The "rated" voltage of an NST IS the (R)oot (M)eans (S)quare
voltage (7500 volts in your case). The RMS is determined by
the multiplying the inverse of the sq. rt. of 2- (.707) times the
peak voltage of the sine wave "humps" and inversely, the peak
voltage can be derived from multiplying the sq. rt. of 2- (1.414)
times the RMS voltage value - 7500(1.414) = 10,605 and in-
versely 10,605(.707) = 7500.
David Rieben
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Contovasilis" <jlcontovasilis@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2011 11:33 PM
Subject: [TCML] RMS voltage
Could anyone tell me how to calculate the RMS voltage of a neon sign
transformer with an input of 120 volts, 60 Hz and an output of 30 mAh and
7500 volts?
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