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[TCML] Re: aluminum for faraday suit ?

I'm glad so many people are chiming in. Really the true inspiration behind making this suit is for you guys. I really wanted to this information out to the community so newer coilers can get a grasp on the concepts at hand and can if they dare lol, "safely" construct their own suits for their own experiments. I remember looking back at your design Peter for under the clothes. I was a different approach to the concept. You constructed from the cameras point of view which I think very few have done and by doing so brought some new ideas to the table. Kudos! As for the post on oxidation, thats an excellent point that I completely forgot to mention. This was the reason for the material initially chosen to build the chainmail suit. Yes oxidation is a problem, but not from an electrical standpoint. Only esthetically.
PS Jim, thanks so much for the link to the patent. I remember seeing 
this awhile back but when trying to find it a few weeks later, could not 
reproduce my search.
Cheers, and as always, please be safe everyone!
~Andrew Robinson
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