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R: [TCML] Tesla Coil

How value has the total capacity of bank? How is the total voltage of these capacitors? Take in account that if you are using 5kV nst the dc voltage of cap bank must be 15kV.
Polyester capacitor MKT is not suitable to sustain high impulsive current, you have to change in MKP or in MMKP capacitors single metallized polypropylene or double metallized polypropylene caps.


Vladimiro Mazzilli
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-----Messaggio originale-----

Da: tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] Per conto di Bumba Lodh
Inviato: giovedì 29 dicembre 2011 13.46
A: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Oggetto: [TCML] Tesla Coil

Hi,I built a TESLA COIL with 5kv 30ma nst.Primary coil made with 4mm
copper tube with 10 turns secondary made with 2inch PVC pipe.Winding
height 10.2inch(0.315mm enameled copper wire used) also made Capacitor
bank with 2kv 0.15uF polyester film capacitor.But the problem is my
Capacitor burnt several times but the coil works with LEYDEN JAR
capacitor.Why the capacitor burning??????

Please Help Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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