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I believe that a sync RSG is inherently better, in terms of spark length,
than a static gap. When going from a static to a sync RSG, one must use a
much higher capacitance cap. Doing this means that the "bang size" is
significantly larger than when using a smaller cap and a static gap, even if
the average power throughput was similar (and I'm not saying that it is). I
believe that bang size correlates with spark length, though I also believe
that a large bang size/low BPS will result in a dimmer spark than a small
bang size/high BPS coil.
And I whole heartedly agree with Steve, that a sucker gap is a big
improvement over a multi-cylinder RQ gap, in terms of easy to build, easy to
adjust, and performance.
Regards, Gary Lau
On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 11:30 AM, Teslalabor <teslalabor@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Brandon,
> YES there was an ultimative increase in performance when I changed from my
> stationary gap (even cooled with pressurized air) to 200BPS SRSG. You sould
> invest your money in building a SRSG!
> Stefan
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Brandon Hendershot" <
> brandonhendershot@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 5:11 AM
> Subject: [TCML] SRSG vs. RQSG
> Hi All,
>> I've noticed that coils with rotary spark gaps tend to throw bigger
>> brighter
>> sparks than that of a typical stationary electrode gap. Going by your own
>> personal experience, do you think that the different gap styles are the
>> cause of better performance, or is it the 'fact' that coilers tackling the
>> more advanced sparkgaps typically have better systems in the first place?
>> I guess what I'm trying to ask here, is should I bother spending the money
>> and effort on making a rotary spark gap, or should I stick with my
>> quenched
>> Richard Quick spark gap? Were there any huge increases in performance when
>> those of you switched?
>> Thanks again everyone,
>> Brandon
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