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Re: [TCML] Ebay Capacitors?

Oops !  Let me correct my previous missive - I'm misremembering my own coiling history.

The coil at that time was a 15/60  STATIC spark gap with the recommended LTR at 17.2nf.    I've upgraded the thing so many times I cant keep straight what I was doing at which point.

The SRSG recommended number is 27.7nf, and I kept building MMC boards with a value of 8.33nf = 18 942s to keep meeting the requirement as I upgraded the coil.  Eventually I wound up with 5 boards, each with 18 942s (plus bleeder resistors), and then when I increased the drive current I "stapled" on the CJE boards, which were a different form factor due to my construction technique, so they didn't fit nicely in the space I allocated.

Eventually I bought a couple Maxwell Pulse caps on eBay which take up much less space and abandoned the MMC, which was much prettier, though not space-effective.

In any case, I noticed no failures with the CJEs.


On Oct 2, 2010, at 9:07 PM, jhowson4@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Hey guys I just found these capacitors on ebay...any thoughts on their use in smallish Tesla coils? 
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260671975490&ssPageName=ADME:B:WNARL:US:1123 
> Thanks, 
> John "Jay" Howson IV 
> "Why thank you, I will be happy to take those electrons off you hands." 
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