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Re: [TCML] OT high voltage DC power supply PLEASE HELP

HV taught by teachers with no experience to students with no experience. A public liability nightmare. Personally I would get a fog machine (buy or hire from a party place) and some cardboard boxes and make smoke ring generators. Cheap, easy, fun and scientific.
http://tesladownunder.com/interesting_stuff.htm#Vortex ring launchers


On 19/05/2010 11:01 AM, Andrew Robinson wrote:
Hey everyone, hoping some of the veterans here could help. I'm supposedto be helping this summer at a community college with an engineeringcamp targeted towards middle and high school students. They were in needof some ideas for the camp, not to mention ideas to replace the currentideas. The person running the camps idea of an engineering camp isletting the kids build things out of popsicle sticks... Shes going tobore them to death! If they wanted to do that, they could go to a girlscout craft camp... When they come to a college, they expect to bewowed. Point is, these camps are intended to get kids excited aboutengineering, math, and science. To replace some of the popsicle stickstuff we thought of the perfect solution. Have the kids get into teamsand have them each build an ionic lifter. Heres where someone here canhelp. Community college budgets are small enough as it is, and finding a20,000vdc or higher power supply is becoming very difficult. Does anyonehave an old one lying around in the garage. I know all of us have alittle bit of everything stashed everywhere. If someone is not using itand would be willing to donate it to the college, we would reallyappreciate it. Just need something capable of creating the effect forthe students. Thanks ahead of time guys!
Andrew Robinson

P.S. Thanks Chip

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