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Re: [TCML] Frying tesla coil

I would hate to propagate falsehoods too, but this was discussed in the list where a member said a member stated that the place they worked at did just that, because it was for plumbing and would not effect the pipe for that purpose, and I found metal inside the pipe, I had to file it out it was quite deep. it was mentioned it was pretty deep for wire and it was the color of steel not copper wire like someone mentioned it on the list when this happened some years ago. I found other places where I had to drill out matter that was not there, and I seem to remember one person saying they found parts of a bee or wasp.

It think it is still a good idea to examine lengths of pipe you might use and choose those that appear free of inclusions.

As for your discovery of "Dark Matter" ... how interesting. How long ago is this, do you still have it? I've read with interest the idea that the universe is made mostly of dark matter, and I'd love to have a piece of it to show off. :D

I doubt it was over-coupling because I never had any more problems after I filed and drilled out the inclusions and re-wound it.

From: Gary Lau <glau1024@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Mon, May 31, 2010 7:51:47 PM
Subject: Re: [TCML] Frying tesla coil

I have to question the validity of a claim that floor sweepings
containing bug parts, wire, and screws are deliberately added to PVC
pipes.  I have observed "dark matter" when shining a light through 4"
thin-wall PVC so I know that there is some legitimate basis to this,
but I just hate to propagate unsubstantiated and exaggerated claims.

Regards, Gary Lau

As to the failure of your secondary, it's also quite possible that
simple overcoupling caused

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 9:16 PM, Garry Freemyer <garryfre@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This is a video of my tesla coil frying due to foreign matter in the PVC pipe that forms the secondary.
> One person on the list mentioned that they sweep the floor and dump it all into the molten plastic so PVC can contain metal fragments, bug parts, hair, wire, screws etc etc.
> I was surprised how easy it was to upload videos to Youtube...
> http://youtube.com/watch?v=L_40Oq3UKVY
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