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Re: [TCML] Tesla Coil Computer Interference

...measuring 'stuff' going back down the power line...
   In a previous life, the official way of doing this
   involved a split ferrite core device, called an
   'absorption clamp', lots of trick calibration,
   expensive.  Basically: a 'sophisticated current
   probe'.  (There are international standards for
   what PCs, etc can 'push back into the line'.
   Much Lower than Tesla Coiling is likely to 

   I've no idea what is used for such now.  Measuring
   this 'sort of thing' as noted, takes a lot of
   experiment, understanding, and not trusting the
   test equipment without thought.

...as to trashing PCs, etc...
   There are standards (also) for what 'line oddities'
   a PC 'should' withstand.  Tesla Coil Strays,
   conducted and radiated are WAY LARGER than 'the
   usual spec'.  Separate, circuits, added filtering,
   both 'source' and 'victim', unplugging are
   indicated.  PC PSU's are almost always 'sort of on':
   unplugging is the safest...

...RF surges...test primaries... 
   I would gently suggest that ANYTIME the spark gap
   is active, RF is floating around.  If the design
   primary/secondary/wotever is not present, the 
   spark gap will HAPPILY resonate the stray lead
   lengths.  This gets into 'handwaving': Yes, the
   resistive lamp load will damp the oscillations,
   BUT.  Yes the powers involved can be substantial,
   so even small portions can confuse PC's etc.  One
   might recall that Hertz 'discovered' 'RF' with
   resonating wire lines and spark gap transmitters

...not grounded...
   AS the voltages and frequencies go up, things are
   ALWAYS grounded.  (OK: omit airplanes, satellites..
   8)>>).  In a 'normal 'lab'': either explicit
   grounds are provided OR the RF couples capacitively,
   or thru unplanned spark gaps, to 'something' on its
   way to ground.  (Don't Ask about the Tesla Coil,
   the ethernet noise immunity demo, the FORGOTTEN 
   GROUND Connection and the expensive network analyzer.
   Don't Ask...8)>>)

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