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Re: [TCML] Is my 10" Tesla Coil Illegal ? ?

It is a Caster Oil filled HV transformer.  It has 5 taps on the primary to get several different output voltages.  Primary is 240 volts 60 amps.  Output is 14K, 15K, 16K, 17K, 18K volts.  This transformer is designed to be a step up HV transformer.  It is not a power line pole transformer hooked up backwards to step up the voltage.  I am using the 14K output on my 10" TC.

-----Original Message-----
>From: otmaskin5@xxxxxxx
>Sent: Jan 21, 2010 6:33 PM
>To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: [TCML] Is my 10" Tesla Coil Illegal ?
>Gary, what kind of transformer do you have driving your coil?  Dennis Hopkinton MA
>-----Original Message-----
>From: gary350@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Tue, Jan 19, 2010 5:22 pm
>Subject: Re: [TCML] Is my 10" Tesla Coil Illegal ?
>I don't have a control cabinet.  Look at the photo.  The HV transformer is 
>etting directly under the primary coil.  The three .01 uf caps in parallel are 
>nder the primary coil too next to the transformer.  The variable speed vacuum 
>an spark gap is there too.  I have the fan speed on the spark gap turned up 
>retty high probably close to 90% speed.  I turn the coil on/off several times 
>nd adjust the spark cap air speed I can dial in maximum spark length real easy 
>y changing the fan speed.  I keep moving my target and adjusting the fan speed 
>ntil I get max length sparks.  Now that I think about it maybe it has something 
>o do with my variable speed vacuum fan spark gap.  No tellin what is going on 
>nside that spark gap with all the high speed air braking up the arcs in the 
>ap.  I have a strike rail around the outer edge of the primary coil connected 
>o ground too.  I have two 240 VAC wires running from the HV transformer into 
>he shop.  I am using a Lincoln Arc welder as current limiting.  I am using a 60 
>mp braker as the on/off switch.  The high voltage transformer is 14kv output.  
>ax output is about 12KW I can crank the power up to 14KW but the output does 
>ot get longer.  At 10KW sparks get slightly shorter only by about 6 inches. 
>ith the targets removed I get sparks everywhere so I have to cover all the 
>ires, caps, transformer, gap on the ground with pieces of sheet metal for 
>rotective shielding they are all grounded.  I have about 20 well used bad 4ft 
>luorescent light bulbs I can stick them in the ground all around the TC in the 
>ard and they all light up.  Bottom end of secondary is grounded to earth ground 
>ith a #6 copper wire to a 6 ft ground rod.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: mddeming@xxxxxxx
>Sent: Jan 19, 2010 3:34 PM
>To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: [TCML] Is my 10" Tesla Coil Illegal ?
>Hi Gary,
>Sounds like you have a lot of RF energy coupling into your distribution system.
>1) Do you have any hash filters on your lines going to your control cabinet? If 
>ot, definitely install some.
>2) Is your RF ground short and solidly connected at both ends? A long or poorly 
>onnected  RF ground line can act as an antenna.
>3) Are there any power lines or phone lines running across or very near to your 
>ack yard? This may require moving the coil if you are coupling to them..
>A battery-operated radio will tell you about how far you're radiating. When 
>urned on, the LCD of a hand-held cheap calculator will go crazy in the magnetic 
>ield of a coil. If radiating is the problem, you may get an FCC visit. If you 
>re linking back through the power lines you can be in trouble under various 
>nuisance ordinances". If someone claims that you are "knowingly interfering 
>ith security systems",  then you can be in deep stuff under the anti-terrorist 
>nd conspiracy legislation.
>Matt D.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: gary350@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Tue, Jan 19, 2010 12:56 pm
>Subject: [TCML] Is my 10" Tesla Coil Illegal ?
>This time of the year when the air is cold and the humidity is extremely low 
>tatic electricity is very high I get shocked every time I get IN or OUT of my 
>UV, take off my jacket or put on my jacket.  If I move the blankets in bed at 
>ight I see all kinds of sparks.  It is perfect for firing up my Tesla Coil and 
>etting some very long sparks.   But I worry that this might be illegal.  My 10" 
>>C makes 12 foot arcs I can make a 27 ft circle of arcs and sparks in the back 
>ard with the 3 ft top load.  It makes every motion detector light and every 
>ecurity alarm system go off in a 4 block radius around my house.  After dark I 
>an see motion detectors lights going on/off, on/off, on/off, on/off, on/off, in 
>>ll directions as far as I can see.  My automatic garage door and all the 
>eighbors garage doors are freaked out going up/down, up/down, up/down, up/down, 
>>p/down, up/down, over and over.  I can hear security alarms in all directions.  
>> road my bicycle through the neighbor hood and I can find alarm systems going 
>ff 4 blocks away in several directions from my house.  It totally distroys TV 
>nd it makes no difference if you have cable, satallite, or antenna TV is 
>otally wiped out all reception for several blocks.  I don't fire up my 10" TC 
>ery often anymore I worry it might be illegal.  
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